About Kuk Sool Curriculum
Kuk Sool Won™ Master Saidi Kuk Sool Curriculum |
Kuk Sool Won™, which can be translated as Korean National Martial Arts Association, is a systematic study of all the traditional fighting arts which together comprise the martial arts history of the Korean nation. As such, Kuk Sool Won™ is an extremely well-organized system of martial arts which seeks to integrate and explore all aspects of the traditional Korean martial arts. As a martial arts system, Kuk Sool Won™ covers the entire specturm of the taditional Asian fighting arts and techniques of body conditioning, as well as mental development and traditional weapons training. These include (but are not limited to): |
Hand Striking |
Leg Techniques |
Throwing and Grappling |
Joint-locking Techniques |
Falling Techniques and Acrobatics |
Body Conditioning |
Animal-style Techniques |
Traditional Korean Weapons |
Martial Art Healing Methods (beginning at Instructor level) |
Meditation and Breathing Techniques |
As you can see, Kuk Sool Won™ covers an extensive variety of techniques and martial arts methods, but it is not merely concerned with the physical methods of attack and defense. Kuk Sool Won™ includes the study of healing techniques, the development of internal power, and physical conditioning. Training in Kuk Sool Won™ also helps to instill self-confidence and self-discipline, a calm self-assurance, and the psychological and spiritual values which are traditionally associated with the martial character. Mental and physical well-being is of primary importance in Kuk Sool Won. |
Although Kuk Sool Won™ as it is practiced today is relatively new, its roots stretch far and deep to the very beginnings of the history of the Korean people. As students of Kuk Sool Won™, this early history and the ancient traditions upon which our art is founded should be as important to us as the physical techniques themselves, for it is only from our understanding and appreciation of these classical roots that we are able to grow as students and as martial artists. |